Diamond Problems
Overstuffed MEDEFs
Problem: Despite your best efforts to leave room in the sequencing of MEDTP ID’s, the competing demands of new configurations pushed the sequences to the ceiling, leaving no room.
Solution: Confidata used a secure, offline process to re-sequence / re-number MEDTP’s to create more space and get them off the ceiling. Processing logic was not disrupted, consistent system outputs were maintained and we made space to breath.
► Offline process extracts, re-sequences and reloads all references to the MEDEF hierarchy
► Allows room within the hierarchy while affording an opportunity to review / revise the processing priority
“I can’t get there from here!”
Problem: You encounter a complex set of business requirements that aren’t supported efficiently by Diamond. You could enter large strings of Diamond shorthand in MEDEFs but the maintenance would be burdensome and a pain.
Solution: The Confidata team simplified a complex benefit definition through the creative application of unused Diamond fields and features, delivering a compact and efficient fully tested configuration in minimal time with minimal customer effort.
“I fixed it but it’s still wrong!”
Problem: The client found issues with claims processing, made changes to the configuration and parameters but was unable to drive the correct outcomes from Diamond.
Solution: The Confidata team undertook a complete gap analysis of the pricing and adjudication configuration to identify the root causes. A complete re-engineering of the configuration resulted in not only correct claims processing but also the clean-up and removal of a large volume of outdated and incorrect configuration trash. Our Diamond expertise allows us to pinpoint the exact causes of problems that may be well hidden within the system:
The Roadblock
Problem: Sometimes, Diamond just won’t do what you want it to do.
Solution: The Confidata team, in partnership with our allied organizations, designs and implements new Diamond functionality to support your unique business demands. We will provide you assistance with:
► ANY Diamond need: Platform, Configuration, Programming or Connectivity, all performed by Diamond experts
► Unlimited potential for expansion into new workflows, new data sets and new businesses through Diamond enhancements.
Perhaps “Diamond™ is forever.”
“I can’t get there from here!”
Problem: You encounter a complex set of business requirements that aren’t supported efficiently by Diamond. You could enter large strings of Diamond shorthand in MEDEFs but the maintenance would be burdensome and a pain.
Solution: The Confidata team simplified a complex benefit definition through the creative application of unused Diamond fields and features, delivering a compact and efficient fully tested configuration in minimal time with minimal customer effort.
“I fixed it but it’s still wrong!”
Problem: The client found issues with claims processing, made changes to the configuration and parameters but was unable to drive the correct outcomes from Diamond.
Solution: The Confidata team undertook a complete gap analysis of the pricing and adjudication configuration to identify the root causes. A complete re-engineering of the configuration resulted in not only correct claims processing but also the clean-up and removal of a large volume of outdated and incorrect configuration trash. Our Diamond expertise allows us to pinpoint the exact causes of problems that may be well hidden within the system:
The Roadblock
Problem: Sometimes, Diamond just won’t do what you want it to do.
Solution: The Confidata team, in partnership with our allied organizations, designs and implements new Diamond functionality to support your unique business demands. We will provide you assistance with: