Diamond 725™
Capitation Models
Claims EDI
Professional and Institutional Claims
Whole Claim Pricing
Premium Billing
APUPD – Accounts Payable
MEMBR – Membership
Provider Contracting
Authorization – Medical Management
General Reporting™
Is this lingo familiar to you?
You may use Diamond.
Confidata is experienced in all aspects of Diamond configuration and operations.
We can help you configure your system for maximum auto-adjudication and system maintenance efficiency. Each one of our consultants has worked in a Diamond
Claims Shop.
Diamond Services
► Diamond performance, analysis and optimization
► Re-engineering of existing systems to improve efficiency and implement new business
► New system implementation, support, and project management
► Customized training classes and workshops for all Diamond modules
► Custom General™ reporting
► Adjunct staff when Diamond skills aren’t available
Diamond Problems
Let’s talk and explore your options